Alright, I am talking about Elon Musk way more than I want to, but I just had this amazing inspirations a few hours ago and I thought I should get it out there. I don’t know if this is an Operation Tin Foil Hat sort of thing, but it did feel like an ESP moment.
Anyway it occurs to me that there could be something deeply nefarious inside of the shallow evil of Elon Musk’s teardown of Twitter. I think it is pretty obvious that Elon Musk wanted there to be an exodus of talented human capital from his new corporate toy. Now, it could be that he wanted to destroy the existing work force so that he could avoid any sort of “shadow government” that his buddies in the Muskovite sphere talk so much about.
It occured to me that maybe he thinks he can outsource all of his work to unemployed Russians who are willing to work for a few bucks and the opportunity to be a part of the Trumputin World Order. I was musing on this, thinking about all of the weirdness that has been connected to Musk. Thinking about all of the weirdness…like robots.
Like this robot.
What if this simulation of a robot was just a distraction? What if it was meant to be a little ridiculous and underwhelming? What if his experiences with SpaceX and the Armanem has taught him a few things about strategic disinformation? What if he has an entirely new kind of work force waiting in the wings to take over the Twitter operations?
I know you know where I am going. I am not saying it’s robots, but it could be robots. Or it could be some sort of AI/Robot thing that functions at a quantum level somewhere within the Twitter servers. Maybe he has made an agreement with the Armanem and gotten some sort of hyperintelligent quantum virus to work on his, um, backend. I don’t know, but I do know this could be a possibility. In a weird way, this does make the most sense.
We shall see what the next few weeks brings.
Remember, now more than ever, the skies are watching you.