While I appreciate the sentiment, I think we should be very clear that while Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” is not a conservative religious text, it…
Project 2025 and Digital Underground
So, about Project 2025. As I look to the year(s) ahead, much of already limited optimism about digital technology wanes with apocalyptic intensity. On the…
I keeping looking at the dead spaces. Funny that the path of life is gaining the acquaintance of more and more of the dead.
The last place
Whenever I am in a place that is known to be haunted I have to wonder if I am the ghost.
Tik Tok War
I may write at length about this, but in short, I turned off the stream of #realdeath from Ukraine when I realized I had lost…
I talk with the dead on a daily basis. Twice a day, usually. This make me feel uncomfortable sometimes, not because it is scary but…
I don’t want a writing career. I want to unleash the quantum venom in my veins and watch the world dissolve into acrid steam.
Is Taylor Swift’s “Exile” the new “Hallelujah”?
Regarding Tayor Swift’s song “Exile”. Okay, I should probably get this out of the way first. I am not a Taylor Swift fan. Nor am…
I think one thing humans will never grasp is that there are other versions of ourselves out there competing with us. Possibly hoping to destroy…
I first heard Comfortably Numb when I was in high school and it struck me as a perfect anthem for being chronically ill. I knew…
Agree to Agree
Maybe we could just agree that eternal and endless nothingness is an acceptable definition of heaven.
I don’t write about my dreams but…
I don’t write about my dreams but…last night I dreamt that I couldn’t get to sleep for hours. Why brain. Why?
I realized that due to the many random feelings that my medications provoke, I often feel like a puppeteer that is manipulating this body from…