Paul Hellyer was Minister of Defense of Canada from 1963-1967, and this was the capstone for what was a pretty mercurial political career. He was…
Is Donatella Versace a Reptoid Agent?
. I know it’s been quite awhile since I posted an update here, but it’s not for lack of a good reason. I’ve been hard…
Sirius (A movie)
Unfortunately, other work has distracted me from my pursuit of the Reptilian truth. This item I could not let pass unmentioned or unnoticed. Director Amardeep…
DIA (Denver International Airport)
The exact relationship between the Reptoids below and the Sirusians above has yet to be conclusively explained or even coherently speculated about. These beings may…
Fear of the Unknown
Courtesy of our fantastic cousins over at SF Signal, here’s another look at the 2008 documentary about H.P. Lovecraft, “Fear of the Unknown”. Some on the…
Beyond Lemuria
Investigating the truth behind Reptoid activity often leads to some surprising places. There are, of course, many layers of misinformation woven in with the speculation…